Premium Businesses
Welcome to Louisville, Nebraska! Check out some of our businesses around town.
About the City of Louisville
Louisville is a small town settled between Omaha and Lincoln. Holding a little over 2,000 people, Louisville is home to many and a great destination for parks, people, and plenty of fun! Stop by today for small-town comfort and friendly people.
Louisville, We’re Closer Than You Think.
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Louisville, We’re Closer Than You Think.
Louisville is a city rich in history and we continue to move into the future with continued development and an innovative attitude. Our friendly people, sound economy and comfortable lifestyle make Louisville a great place to live and work. Louisville retains the feel of a small town, all within minutes of Nebraska’s two largest cities. Whether you are a long time resident, new arrival, or visitor, I hope you will use this website for information on City services and programs and visit and support our local businesses.