About Louisville
“We’re Closer Than You Think”
City of Louisville history…
Louisville is a small town settled between Omaha and Lincoln. Holding a little over 1,000 people, Louisville is home to many and a great destination for parks, people, and plenty of fun! Stop by today for small-town comfort and friendly people.
Louisville, We’re Closer Than You Think.
Major events in Louisville
We’re closer than you think

The statistics above are based on the 2010 U.S. Census Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics for Louisville, Nebraska.
People in City of Louisville
Age population
The statistics above are based on the2010-2014 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates for the Louisville Precinct and the Nebraska Chamber’s 2015 Competitiveness Redbook.
Average Louisville income
Housing & Social
Median value of owner-occupied housing units
Number of housing units
High school grad or higher
Total students
Secondary Students (6-12)
Elementary students (K-5)
Pre - K
B.U.I.L.D. Organization
Businesses United In Louisville’s Development (B.U.I.L.D.) is the city’s business organization – similar to a chamber of commerce. The committee works on annual events such as the Last Hot Sunday in July car show, welcoming new residents with welcome bags, marketing the city through advertising, presenting the town by decorating the streets with banners, and promoting economic development. Follow us on Facebook: Businesses United in Louisville’s Development.
Louisville Courier
In 2021 the City of Louisville and B.U.I.L.D Organization members discussed the ability to highlight key events happening throughout the Louisville area. In conjunction to that they wanted a way to highlight businesses and everything Louisville has to offer. Thus developing the Louisville Courier. Each Tuesday the Courier will be updated with the most recent news, information, and events happening throughout the Louisville area.
Click here to read the latest edition.