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January 12, 2022

January 12, 2022


January 12, 2022                                                                                                        Louisville, NE

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Louisville was held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.  Present were Mayor Rod Petersen, Council Members Martyn Myers, Jerry McClun, Jamion Biesterfeld and Larry Gulizia. Also present were City Attorney Roger Johnson and guests. Mayor Petersen stated that the Open Meetings Act is posted at the rear of the room and a copy of all meeting materials is available with the clerk.


Notice of the regular meeting was given in advance thereof by posting in three (3) public places as shown by the certificate attached to these minutes.  Notice was simultaneously given to all council members.  Their acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to these minutes.  All proceedings thereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.


Mayor Petersen called the meeting to order and asked the Council to review the consent agenda. McClun moves, Biesterfeld seconds to approve the consent agenda with the exception of the two planning commission appointments. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Gulizia, Biesterfeld, Myers. Motion carried.


Kari Wockenfuss reported for the care center.


Biesterfeld moves, Myers seconds to approve the specs as amended and authorize advertising for bid on a 2022 Louisville Care Center resident transportation vehicle. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Gulizia, Biesterfeld, Myers. Motion carried.


Melvin Sudbeck was present saying that the state requirements for the entrance from Highway 66 into East Ridge have turned into more than expected when the development was designed in 2013. This much larger project comes with a higher than expected cost. He asked the council to consider increasing the TIF bond. City Attorney Johnson stated this would be a “significant” amendment to the TIF and would require starting completely over with the TIF paperwork. Final numbers to the cost will be obtained.


Jason McClun and Mike Hoover gave an annual fire/rescue report.


There was a discussion on rescue billing for non-transport calls. An ordinance will be prepared to clarify responsibility of payment for those types of calls.


Mayor Petersen gave an update on the 3rd Street Bridge repair estimates. No action taken at this time.


The City has not received a proposal on a Louisville Care Center independent audit so the subject was tabled until the next meeting.


There was no report for street, water and sewer.


A written sheriff’s report was circulated.


An internal audit was conducted verifying checks to invoices by the council members.


McClun moves, Biesterfeld seconds to approve Resolution 22-01; credit card policies and limits. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Gulizia, Biesterfeld, Myers. Motion carried.


Biesterfeld moves, Myers seconds to approve Resolution 22-02; mileage reimbursement amount. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Gulizia, Biesterfeld, Myers. Motion carried.


Myers moves, McClun seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Gulizia, Biesterfeld, Myers. Motion carried.


I, the undersigned clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings had and done by the Mayor and City Council of Louisville.  To the best of my knowledge, the agenda was kept continually current and available for public inspection; and the minutes were in written form and available for public inspection within 10 working days.  The minutes are published in summary form.  Upon request a complete copy is available at City Hall.


Dee Arias, City Clerk




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