December 11, 2024
December 11, 2024 Louisville, NE
A meeting of the City Council of the City of Louisville was held on December 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Present were Mayor Rod Petersen, Council Members Jerry McClun, Justin Barnes, Jamion Biesterfeld and Paul Pankonin. Also, present were City Attorney Roger Johnson, Public Works Director Joel Jones and guests. Mayor Petersen stated that the Open Meetings Act is posted at the rear of the room and a copy of all meeting materials is available with the clerk.
Notice of the regular meeting was given in advance thereof by posting in three (3) public places as shown by the certificate attached to these minutes. Notice was simultaneously given to all council members. Their acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to these minutes. All proceedings thereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.
Mayor Petersen called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Barnes moves, Pankonin seconds to approve the consent agenda. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Biesterfeld moved, McClun seconded to approve the Quality Irrigation Agreement. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Ed Noyes’ property located at E 54’ of lots 271-272 and 2’ of E 54’ of lot 270: original town, Louisville, NE discussion was tabled to the next meeting.
Eastwood Culvert discussion was tabled to the next meeting.
McClun moves, Biesterfeld seconds to adjourn and reconvene as the newly elected city council at 7:03 p.m. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Mayor Petersen, Council Members Paul Pankonin and Jamion Biesterfeld were sworn in as newly elected officials.
Biesterfeld moves, McClun seconds to approve the consent agenda consisting of annual appointments. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Biesterfeld nominated McClun to retain Council President position. No other nominations were made. Biesterfeld moves, Pankonin seconds to reelect Jerry McClun as Council President. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Angie Buglewicz reported for the Care Center. She gave a census update.
A written report was circulated for the library.
Joel Jones reported for LBPA stating the bleachers had been moved.
Karla Moore and Sean Davis of Omaha Volkswagen Car Club requested street closure for Saturday, September 13th, 2025. After much discussion, the request died for lack of motion.
Mayor Petersen gave an update on CCNEDC. McClun moved and Biesterfeld seconded to approve the continued investment at $5,000 with a request for more communication from the director. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Water meter replacements from Municipal Supply were discussed. Biesterfeld moved, McClun seconded to purchase 50 radio read meters. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Joel Jones reported for street, water, and sewer. Some items discussed: temporary speed bump removal, permanent speed bump repair, north well repair, high service pump update, master trail plan completion, stop sign installation, and No Parking signs to be completed.
Written sheriff, fire, and rescue reports were circulated.
An internal audit was conducted verifying checks to invoices by the council members.
Public comment: No public comment was made.
McClun moved, Biesterfeld seconded to enter executive Session at 8:41 p.m. for the protection of the public interest to discuss the business structure, finances, rates, and other charges as related to the Louisville Care Center. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried. Biesterfeld moved, Barnes seconded to exit closed session and reconvene in regular session at 9:00 p.m. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
Biesterfeld moves, Barnes seconds to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. Roll call vote: ayes – McClun, Barnes, Pankonin, Biesterfeld; nays – None. Motion carried.
I, the undersigned clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings had and done by the Mayor and City Council of Louisville. To the best of my knowledge, the agenda was kept continually current and available for public inspection; and the minutes were in written form and available for public inspection within 10 working days. The minutes are published in summary form. Upon request a complete copy is available at City Hall.
Dee Arias, City Clerk