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August 12, 2020

August 12, 2020


August 12, 2020                                                                                                          Louisville, NE

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Louisville was held on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. at the Louisville Senior Center. Present were Mayor Roger Behrns, Council Members Jerry McClun, Rod Petersen and Randy Jensen. Paula Simonson was absent. Also present were City Attorney Roger Johnson and several guests. Mayor Behrns stated that the Open Meetings Act is posted at the rear of the room and a copy of all meeting materials is available with the clerk.


Notice of the regular meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Plattsmouth Journal and by posting in three (3) public places as shown by the certificate attached to these minutes. Notice was simultaneously given to all council members. Their acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to these minutes. All proceedings thereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.


Mayor Behrns called the meeting to order and asked the Council to review the consent agenda. Jensen moves, Petersen seconds to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


There was no report for the care center.


McClun moves, Petersen seconds to approve the transfer of $12,000.00 from LCC to City funds representing 4.8% of net cash of operating procedures. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


There was a lengthy discussion on ATV/UTV/Golf cart use in the city. An ordinance and updated fee schedule ordinance will be presented at the next meeting for consideration.


Joel Jones explained the need for discussion of driveway/curb cuts. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that as long as the standard parking spot, as defined in the City’s zoning regulations, is maintained, curb cuts and paved parking spots can be made as approved on a building permit.


The one & six year road plan was reviewed.


The preliminary budget was discussed including equipment upgrades, wages and tax request.


Mike Hoover, rescue captain, was present to discuss an ambulance purchase. He gave a brief history of the current squad stating that it is showing its age and starting to need major repairs. He was told to come back with bids and possible lease purchase agreement concepts that consider a trade of the current squad.


Petersen moves, Jensen seconds to approve the following proposed Amendments to the League of Nebraska Municipalities “Articles of Incorporation” to add the following two statements:  a) the League is a public benefit corporation; and b) the League shall have regular members, as set forth in its Bylaws. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


McClun moves, Jensen seconds to approve the following proposed Amendments to the League of Nebraska Municipalities “Bylaws”:  a) To facilitate attendance, the League Executive Board approved an amendment authorizing attendance at members’ meetings by telephone conferencing, videoconferencing or similar technological means. b) To ensure that the Articles and Bylaws remain in conformity, on July 16, 2020, the League Executive Board conditioned its approval of this amendment on the regular members’ approval of the corresponding amendment to the Articles, by written ballot. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


McClun moves, Jensen seconds to direct the vote and authorizing the Mayor to submit the vote by submission of the Regular Member Ballot by mail. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


An update was given on the nuisance properties discussed at the last meeting.


Joel Jones reported for water, sewer and streets. Some items discussed: bank stabilization project, concrete jobs yet to complete, pavilion at ball field with LBPA, shoulder work on 5th Street in front of Care Center, illegal dumping at shop area and building code concerns with sump pumps drained into sanitary sewer.


There was no report for fire/rescue. A written sheriff’s report was circulated.


An internal audit control of invoices was conducted.


Jensen moves, McClun seconds to enter closed session at 9:24 p.m. for the protection of public interest as it relates to real estate negotiations. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending. Mayor Behrns reiterated the reason for the closed session. Jensen moves, Petersen seconds to exit closed session and reconvene in open session at 9:37 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


McClun moves, Petersen seconds to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote of those attending.


I, the undersigned clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings had and done by the Mayor and City Council of Louisville. To the best of my knowledge, the agenda was kept continually current and available for public inspection; and the minutes were in written form and available for public inspection within 10 working days. The minutes are published in summary form. Upon request a complete copy is available at City Hall.


Dee Arias, City Clerk



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