April 10, 2019
April 10, 2019 Louisville, NE
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Louisville was held on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Roger Behrns, Council Members Jerry McClun, Rod Petersen, Paula Simonson and Randy Jensen. Also present were City Attorney Roger Johnson, Assistant City Supervisor Preston Derby and several guests. Mayor Behrns stated that the Open Meetings Act is posted at the rear of the room and a copy of all meeting materials is available with the clerk.
Notice of the regular meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Plattsmouth Journal and by posting in three (3) public places as shown by the certificate attached to these minutes. Notice was simultaneously given to all council members. Their acknowledgement of receipt of notice and the agenda is attached to these minutes. All proceedings thereafter were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public.
Mayor Behrns called the meeting to order and asked the Council to review the consent agenda. Jensen moves, McClun seconds to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Mayor Behrns opened the hearing to consider variation in front and rear yard setbacks at 7:01 p.m. No public comment was made. Mayor Behrns closed the hearing at 7:02 p.m.
Diane Becker and Dave Hunter were in attendance from LARM to present a $500 disaster relief check.
Kari Wockenfuss reported for the Care Center. Some items discussed: state legislation, hardships for long term care facilities and LCC ratings among other state facilities; 15 out of 209.
McClun moves, Jensen seconds to approve the transfer of $20,000 from LCC to the City general fund which represents approximately 4.5% of net. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Petersen moves, Simonson seconds to approve the LCC procedure for transfer of funds for payroll account as presented. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Steve Parr, the City’s Street Superintendent from JEO was present to discuss the turn-around at the end of South Ridge Dr. Petersen moves McClun seconds to approve the JEO engineering proposal for the Louisville Driveway Improvement project in the amount of $3,950. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Steve Parr also discussed revising the one & six year road plan since we are having overlays done on some streets. A resolution will be presented at the end of the meeting. Steve also suggested seal coating the current overlays in the next year.
Jennifer Serkiz gave a brief update on CCNEDC. Some items discussed: downtown revitalizations in the county, new businesses, grants and fiber connectivity.
Bill Lueder was present to discuss the truck traffic through town and what can be done to keep trucks from using the 6th Street Bridge. Some signs have already been installed in the last couple of days and more will be ordered and installed.
Petersen moves, Simonson seconds to approve reserved parking request from Good Times Saloon on May 18th for a Combat Veteran’s Poker Run; west side of Main Street from library south to 3rd, east side of Main Street from Pinnacle Bank south to 3rd, and north and south side of 3rd Street from Main west to alley from 9:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. and Main Street closure from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Logan Roecker was not present to request the city council consider a “drifting” demonstration during the car show in July. For liability reasons the city council felt this was not feasible.
Petersen moves, Jensen seconds to approve fire department expenditure for awards banquet for 21 attendees at $25/person. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
McClun moves, Jensen seconds to approve the JEO blight and substandard study proposal for Parcel # 130129127 with the stipulation that if an allowable expense it will be charged to the developer. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Petersen moves, Jensen seconds to approve JEO blight and substandard revision project for study done in 2012 around Sandhill Road to include the road. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
The engineering proposal for bank stabilization on Mill Creek adjacent to the wastewater plant was laid over until the next meeting.
Two engineering proposals were received for the Prairie Ridge Commercial water line extension. Petersen moves, Simonson seconds to approve the proposal from JEO in the amount of $5,500.00. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Simonson moves, Petersen seconds to approve the bid specs and go out for bids on the 6th & Walnut water main extension for boring under UP Railroad. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
McClun moves, Jensen seconds to approve the proposal from Paver’s Inc. in the amount of $30,379.16 for mill and asphalt overlay on Main Street from approximately 3rd to 5th Streets as an extension of agreement and adopting terms and conditions. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Dave Wedekind didn’t have any new information but thanked the council for approving the blight and substandard study.
Mayor Behrns updated the city council on the progress of the brush pile on UP railroad property saying that Andy Harpenau plans to be here soon to grind.
Preston reported for street, water and sewer.
A written sheriff’s report was circulated. No report for the fire/rescue department.
An internal audit was conducted verifying checks to invoices by the council members.
Jensen moves, Petersen seconds to introduce by title only and suspend the three required statutory readings of Ordinance #983; variations to front and rear yard setbacks. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Petersen moves, Simonson seconds to adopt by title only Ordinance #983. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Petersen moves, McClun seconds to approve Resolution 19-04; revised one & six year road plan. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
There was a brief discussion on Dan Henry’s roll with the city. He will be used as an “on call” for certain projects.
Jensen moves, Simonson seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
I, the undersigned clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings had and done by the Mayor and City Council of Louisville. To the best of my knowledge, the agenda was kept continually current and available for public inspection; and the minutes were in written form and available for public inspection within 10 working days. The minutes are published in summary form. Upon request a complete copy is available at City Hall.
Dee Arias, City Clerk